Five Benefits of Body Contouring Without Surgery

At Le Beauty Concierge Body Contouring, we provide advanced non-surgical body contouring in Houston for patients who want to improve their physical appearance but are hesitant to have surgery due to the potential hazards and significant recovery time involved.

Here are the five benefits of non-surgical body contouring in Houston:

1. Non-invasive methods of treatment

Surgical body sculpting options like liposuction can produce excellent results. However, these treatments require surgical incisions and invasive methods to deliver results. In other words, surgical solutions require anaesthesia, risk complications, leave scars, and require recovery downtime.


Without incisions, scalpels, or other invasive methods, we can remove unwanted fat and give you the shape you want with nonsurgical body contouring because lymphatic drainage massage freezes your subcutaneous fat without pain. The lymphatic system naturally removes dead fat cells. Conclusion? Without skin cutting, you get great results.

2. Deal with a wide range of issues

Nonsurgical body contouring can treat numerous problem areas, including sensitive places like your inner arms. Nonsurgical body contouring is most commonly used on:

  • Belly and abdomen
  • Chest, including bra-line fat
  • Flanks (muffin tops or love handles)
  • Back and bottom
  • Armpits and inner arms
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Knees and legs
  • Chin and jaw

Although everyone is different, we suggest starting with small, targeted areas during each session rather than treating the entire body at once for the best results.

3. Immediate and long-lasting effects

Nonsurgical body contouring is excellent since fat cells don’t return. This is because your body doesn’t make more fat cells when you gain weight or store extra fat. Research shows an average 20% reduction in fat in each cellulite treatment area.

As long as you exercise and stay healthy, your results will last. Weight growth will increase your fat cells. Eat well and exercise to avoid developing fat cells.

4. No downtime.

It’s important to give yourself at least a few weeks, and sometimes much more, of downtime after surgery. As a result, you should reduce physical activities like working out and, in some cases, avoid getting wet in water like pools and bathtubs.

In contrast, because cellulite treatment is a non-invasive procedure, you may have your treatment session and return to regular activities immediately afterward. Because of this, you can come in for treatment during your lunch break or time off and get back to your day, including your workout, without missing a beat.

5. Expected outcomes by spring

You may start non-invasive body contouring whenever you choose. It’s important to remember that your body’s natural waste removal processes will take some time to get rid of the dead fat cells that cellulite treatment eliminates without surgery.

The first signs of improvement should be visible about three weeks after your first treatment, with full results appearing anywhere from four to six months later. That’s why it’s best to start in the autumn; by spring, you’ll have the body you’ve always wanted!

Long story short, please schedule a consultation with Le Beauty Concierge Body Contouring to learn more about non-surgical body contouring and its benefits.